Welcome to our Home

Welcome to our Home
There is a moment that I am sure you all know very well. You have driven off of Merri-Mac’s property, your daughter has commenced her camp adventure, and the car is suddenly quiet. You drive straight onto the highway to head back to wherever home may be. But, what if, next time, instead of hitting the road and joining the melancholy hum of cars buzzing away, you stuck around for a while?
As we share our Merri-Mac home with your daughter, we also want to share our Black Mountain home with you! In Black Mountain one is offered so many great local experiences that you can only find here in our lovely little town. So here it is, your 101 guide to our beautiful little town of Black Mountain. So next summer, drop your daughter off, then stay awhile.
Dripolator Coffeehouse or Dynamite Roasting Company: These are two of our favorite local places to go and grab a quick warm cup of joe. Delightful pastries and of course locally roasted coffee beans fill the air in these two cozy shops. On any given day, you are likely to see some of our staff resting while on their day off.
Montreat Trails: Just up the road from camp you can find the historic Montreat Gate. Park here and enjoy the simple walking trail up through Montreat to the lake and back. It is about a 3 mile walk filled with beautiful trees and sunshine. You can also continue up to the nature center and get a map of their many other trails heading high up into the mountains. ( http://www.montreat.org/play/activities/hiking/ )
Lake Tomahawk: Head to the lake located just four minutes away from Merri-Mac. Pull out a fishing pole or take a stroll around the water. Picnics are highly encouraged and made easy when you grab a gourmet to-go dinner from Red Radish. (www.redradish.com)
Our favorite breakfast/brunch places include Louise’s or Blue Ridge Biscuit Company because of their exceptional locally bought and made food. The homey atmosphere makes anyone feel welcomed here. They are both another favorite of our staff on their days off. ( http://www.louisesblackmtn.com/ )
For dinner head over to either Mill Pizzeria or Trailhead restaurant. Both local, both great.
End your day at the Red Rocker Inn, a cozy bed and breakfast guaranteed to make your stay in Black Mountain a good one. ( http://www.redrockerinn.com/ )
I hope that next summer you will get a chance to enjoy our home while feeling like a local. We cherish the opportunity to share the places we love with the families we love most.
Merri-mac, first, last, and always.