A Merri Day at Camp
A Merri Day at Camp
The sun peaked its light over the mountains as the morning bugle rang through camp. It was time to rise and shine. The girls swept the cabin, cleaned the bathrooms, and tidied up there spaces before heading to breakfast. The meal was blessed with the girls singing the Doxology. This mornings delicious foods were eggs, potatoes, and biscuits with sausage gravy. As we finished up Merri-Mac songs at the end of breakfast the girls ran to Chapel to hear from Adam. We learned today from Adam about his old wrestling days that all tide back to be a lesson about Gods grace.
First period bell rang and the girls were eager to starts todays activities. In DIY the girls were making collages for their journals. Once they finished with the journals everyone made personalized schedules to hang in their cabins. PAWs had an exciting day of walking the puppies around camp. Holby and Benton were the lucky ones to take the first walk. Gymnastics was full of fun floor activities, from practicing cartwheels to perfecting backhand springs; the girls were hard at work. Can you spell yoga? Well, the girls in yoga class were learning to spell with their limbs. All of the girls were hungry after their morning activities, so off to lunch we all went. Pizza and cantaloupe was todays special. At the end of meal the winner for Sock wars was announced. Seminoles being the winners of the game, but Iroquois won the spirit points!! (IBT!).
After rest time and trading post the girls were back to their activities. Backpacking learned some amazing things from instructor Robyn Newcomb about LNT (leave no trace) and exploring the natural beauty God has created around us. In fencing Ashley W. held a tournament to work towards her gold bar. Celia S. won the tournament with great swiftness. It was a great afternoon for working on bars because Kate S. was teaching tennis today to help her reach the goal of gold bar. The afternoon activities ended with the air smelling delicious from tonights dinner welcoming us to Tucker inn.
The girls all showed up to dinner in their favorite pajamas, most of them sporting cute pigtails. They are ready for the pajama party. Currently everyone is at the Mark enjoying a wicked fun pajama party of Dutch auction, dance party, and games.
Sweet Dreams,
Shea Van Alstyne
Milky Way Counselor