A Very Special Taco Tuesday

A Very Special Taco Tuesday
Staff Appreciation is such a fun time at Merri-Mac because Sunnyside and Dreams girls got to see what it’s like to be a counselor. They woke up younger cabins this morning, then served them a breakfast of biscuits, hashbrowns, eggs, and sausage. Staff led morning songs and probably had way too much fun with it! After the gulley-washing storm we had last night, several activity areas were a bit damp, but we didn’t let that spoil our fun! There was a cookie-baking showdown in cooking this morning. Archery and Fencing both went off without a hitch, which is always something to brag about, and especially on the days when campers are leading them! In puppy camp, kids were teaching the dogs to “lay down.” In Riflery, Emma M. and Sailor V. shot targets that counted towards their bronze bars. In Mountainbiking, Jillian F. taught younger campers how to switch tire covers around. Fitness ran the loop around camp. In diving, Ashley P. worked on her backwards dive, Emerson M. worked on her front tuck, and Nellie R. got her GOLD! It was an eventful morning.
For lunch, as is traditional on Tuesdays, we had taco in a bag. We voted for the Spirits of second session for the first time ever. After thirty minutes of rest and some healthy snacks (candy) from the trading post, we were ready to get back to our activities. Climbing was taught at the traverse wall by Mallory D. Some girls were climbing while others were learning how to tie specific climbing knots. Fourth period canoeing was taught by Grace C. and Mairin M.
Tonight is Christmas Eve and we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth tomorrow in the middle of the summer. Sleeping in tomorrow morning is nothing to sneeze at either!
Taryn Springer
Dreams End Counselor