
A cool breeze rushed through senior hill this morning as the bugle sounded, starting another beautiful day at Camp Merri Mac. With messy hair, all the girls rolled out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of their eyes.  Making beds, organizing cubbies, and rushing to see what chore they had for the day eventually led to sweeping the last pile of dust, turning off the cabin lights, and everyone heading down to the dining hall to enjoy some hash browns, eggs, and biscuits.

After singing the happy birthday rap to Brooke, everyone made their way towards the chapel. Smiling faces sang “pharaoh, pharaoh” and Adam shared another true story about our loving father. Soon after, girls headed to their activities and the rain clouds began to roll in. The rest of the day was filled with rain jackets and puddles as the rain showers came sporadically, but that did not stop the fun.

In backpacking, girls learned how to build a fire and they roasted golden, brown marshmallows over their new creation. In soccer, everyone circled up to start juggling even though having wet soccer balls made it a bit of a challenge. In swimming, girls screamed with joy in the pouring rain as they did cannon balls into lake Doris. Meanwhile on the other side of the lake, kayaking had an intense game of water polo and Megan R. tried on her new water suit, looking like a professional paddler.

As fourth period ended and the rain began to subside, everyone headed down to the tucker inn to have one of the best meals: THE COOKOUT! Girls scarfed down their burgers and cherished every bite of their chocolate chip cookies.

The day ended with an eventful game Base Jumping and the girls cant wait to see who won in the morning.

All in all, this rainy day left everyone happy and full of good memories, but we’ll try to keep the girls from kissing the totem pole next time.

Catherine Mccoy