The Beauty That Surrounds Us

The Beauty That Surrounds Us
August dawned this morning with mist rising over the mountains and the smell of French toast sticks wafting from the Tucker Inn. After completing chores in order to get a cabin score worthy of the envied “cabin cake,” everyone gobbled their breakfast, giving them enough energy to sing some silly morning songs. In chapel, the songs turned more prayerful than silly as we worshiped the God who made us and who sustains us. Reagan, a counselor in Comet cabin, told us “another true story” about how she fell through the floor in an attic, and connected this to Psalm 42:1, which tells us how God is our protector. Every couple of days in chapel, either Adam Boyd or a counselor answers a question: Who is God? Who is man? Who is Jesus? And so what? This journey inches all of us—6-year-olds, 16-year-olds, and counselors alike—closer to a rich relationship with our Lord.
Today was the first day of Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedules for 3B campers, so a short safety talk was in order for many of our activities. After that, the fun could begin! In canoeing, we learned the parts of the paddle with the catchy “Paddle Song,” and nearby in Kayaking, the basics of paddling. In Competitive Swimming, Ava W. got her Gold bar today! Bronze, silver, and gold bars can be earned in any activity by completing a set of tasks. These celebrate growth in our campers as they progress in the activities they love! Speaking of Gold bars, Caroline W. got her Gold in Lacrosse today as well. These are huge accomplishments, and we love announcing them in the dining hall so everyone can celebrate them together.
At lunch today, we also celebrated River L.’s 13th birthday! Happy birthday, River! Claire L. turns 17 today! Camp birthdays are the best: celebrated with cake, singing, and the brand-new “birthday rap,” which the whole camp sings together in full celebratory fashion. The meal at lunch today was a camp favorite; dubbed “taco-in-a-bag,” everyone stuffs Frito bags with taco meat and all the fixings. Tonight’s evening activity was also announced at lunch, and in a few short hours the Mike, our gym, will be filled with tribal cheers as everyone battles it out with “Battleball,” our version of dodgeball, complete with some great dance jams.
A couple of waterskiing trips went out today, which enabled these campers to experience a new sport in a beautiful place on Lake James. This morning, Amelia C., Lillian L., Margaret H., Shea S., Francesca B., and Adeline G. went waterskiing, and this afternoon, Virginia L., Kathleen S., Emily R., Loy H., Kimley C., and Natalie P. took a waterskiing trip. We are so fortunate to be located amidst the most stunning lakes, rivers, trails, and rocks in western North Carolina so we can test what we learn out camp out in the power and beauty of nature. Each day, new trips are announced, and your girls have the opportunity to get out of their comfort zones and maybe sleep outside or hike a mountain or paddle some white water!
Climbing today met on the traverse wall, which climbs left-to-right instead of up-and-down. Cooking made some delicious cookies, and campers in Paws bathed the puppies and took them for walks around camp! In DIY, everyone gathered together on the huge rock outside of the riding ring and sketched the scene for a peaceful class. In Pottery, campers made pinch pots to glaze and add handles to later.
As I write, the dinner bell is about to ring, and the Tucker Inn will be filled with the voices and cackles of so many wonderful young girls and young women. Breaking out in song, in dance, or in drumming with utensils is common and is encouraged! I thank God every day that I grew up at this place and can still return after 12 years—not only to the familiarity, but also to the improvements that maintain the spirit of camp but strive to further encourage growth and simply just have fun!
There is a beauty in the routine of camp: the 7:00 reveille, the 8:15 breakfast, the activities, the rest time, the 9/10/11:00 taps. The sounds of the bugle echo around camp and shake us out of our reveries and our laughter to go on to the next space to dream and to laugh once again. Today is only the second full day, and we are all thrilled to live the next 10 or so with your incredible daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and friends.
From this haven,
Maddy Mallory
Moonmist counselor
Guitar instructor
Proud Seminole