Changing Seasons
Changing Seasons
It is spectacular the way that camp transforms with the season of fall. Leaves change seemingly overnight and the lake is continually covered with ripples as the wind rushes across it. Deer begin to graze on the quite grasses and acorns fall with a thud onto any surface that will boast their arrival. The air conditioner is replaced with the heater and sweaters show their cozy faces on the office coat rack. The changing season transform camp into a cozy wonderland of yellows and reds, crunching leaves and brisk breezes. We celebrate the beauty that comes with the changing seasons and are given a momentary reminder to slow down and enjoy the day before us. Fall at camp is a time to pause, and sing quietly to oneself a refrain from a favorite camp song
…Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
Just remember this place we call Merri-Mac
and the friends who have loved you so true…
We send all our love from camp to you on this lovely fall day at Merri-Mac. We cannot wait to have you back here!