Merri-Mac In Full Swing

Merri-Mac In Full Swing
As the first day of camp rolled around, girls awoke to the bugle at 7 a.m. sharp. Chores were done and teeth were brushed before heading down to Tucker Inn for a breakfast of delicious eggs, bacon, and potatoes! The Sunnysiders led camp with fun songs before heading up the road to chapel where they heard an amazing story from Adam and sung amazing praises! The girls then eagerly headed to activities where they got to learn many new things in their first classes. Starting with their “Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday” classes made for a fun first day. In Cooking girls made the most delicious chocolate chip cookies, in Climbing girls learned how climb the Traverse Wall and tie knew knots! Over in volleyball, girls practiced their skills of bumping, setting, and spiking by playing a fun game of “Queen of the Court!” Our first WaterSkiing trip of the year was taken out this morning! Tayla S., Abigail A., Paige L., Courtney W., Samantha P., and Hallie B., spent their first day having a blast on the lake learning how to Water-Ski, Wakeboard, and getting to swim in Lake James!
The day got even more exciting as lunch rolled around with the famous meal of “Taco in a Bag.” After singing tribal songs at the top of their lungs, Evening Activity director, Sarah Kate P. announced that tonight we would be playing Sock War! Another camp favorite! The three tribes started the competition at lunch with finding the Hatchet! It is said that whichever tribe finds the hatchet will win the banner! As the Seminoles came out with Hatchet massive cheers erupted and the competition had officially begun. The girls headed up the hill for a short rest hour, where Trading Post shortly followed. Girls ran down the hill as fast as they could in order to be first in line for a nice snack!
Third and fourth period followed with a lot more learning and laughter. In Guitar, girls learned new chords, played songs, and learned strumming patterns. In Tennis the girls practiced how to hit correctly, and over in Fitness the girls did everything from cardio to ab workouts! Up in P.A.W.S they learned how to clean up after the puppies as well as having time to play with them! They’re too cute! After taking our Camp Picture, the girls headed to dinner decked out in tribal gear and paint anxiously waiting to start Sock War. As I sit here writing, your beautiful daughters are cheering loudly and proudly for their tribes as they play Sock war. There are sweet sounds of friendship and tribal pride in the air as the girls run around trying to get the flag from their opposing tribe. The first day of camp has been filled with fun as we get to learn more and more about your daughters every day. The girls are excited to continue their night with more fun activities before starting their second day of classes tomorrow! Thank you for sharing your girls with us this summer, be assured they are safe and well, and having the best time! Camp Merri-Mac girls are truly the best in the world!
“From this haven…”
Morgan B.
Proud Choctaw