A New Day at Camp Startin’ Off Right!
A New Day at Camp Startin’ Off Right!
It was 7am, the sun was coming up bright, and a new day at camp was starting off right! The girls all cleaned up their cabins and they got them all neat and then they headed down the hill to get them something good to eat (cheese omelets, hash browns, and bacon to be exact). The Sunnysiders lead the camp in the “Prune Song,” “Chante”, and a staff favorite, “Hip Hooray,” which has the girls make a lap outside around Tucker Inn while singing along.
After that warm-up the girls headed off to chapel for worship, where Adam focused on John 3 and opened by sharing a personal story from years ago. His family was enjoying a beautiful Saturday morning eating pancakes when he needed to grab a light bulb from their basement. To his surprise his sewer tank had overflown and 8 inches of sewage now covered his basement. Adam connected the state of his house to us, that we may seem perfect on the outside but on the inside we may have 8 inches of sewage that only God can clean up, and much like the plumbers, He will do so gladly.
After chapel the girls went off to their tribe meeting to continue learning songs and after a quick game of tetherball it was time for morning activities! Cooking class made grilled apples and some intense bouts of fencing were happening down in the pavilion. Basketball played knockout and tennis played a camper favorite game called “Jail.” The puppies were as lively as ever, girls continued to improve their aim in Riflery and worked towards bars in Archery, and Climbing put in work on the traverse wall.
All too fast it was time for lunch where chicken nuggets and French fries awaited the campers. Tribe songs followed lunch and then the girls practiced for Friendship Circle one last time, as tomorrow is session 1A closing day. Lunch concluded with the announcement that tonight’s evening activity will be COUNSELOR HUNT. This is a tribal competition where the staff hide all over camp and whatever tribe the camper is in that finds the counselor will receive whatever point value that counselor is worth … but be careful some counselors are worth negative points!!
After rest hour (BEST HOUR), the younger girls ran down the hill to get trading post until a midafternoon downpour descended on the camp. The Tweedles donned their rain gear and ran through puddles, making the best of every situation.
Afternoon activities were a bit wet, but like true Merri-Mac girls, we powered through and made the best of it. Dance class learned new moves in the lodge, cups and bowls are being finished in pottery, and the girls got to ride bareback in horseback riding. It has been a great last regular day of camp for session 1A girls, thank you for sharing your daughters with us.
From this haven,
Kristy G.
Cloud 9 counselor
Archery instructor
Very proud Choctaw