Day Trips Everywhere
Day Trips Everywhere
It was a good morning at camp Merri Mac! The girls woke up to clean their cabins then came down to breakfast for chicken sandwiches and mandarin oranges. We then headed to chapel to thank God for allowing us to have another great day at camp.
Today was a popular day for trips. On the climbing trip was Anna D., Emma D., Kathryn U., Lindsey B., Adeline H., Arsenal L., and Samantha F. The mountain biking trip to Lake James, Gabby K., Kate S., Kathryn C., and Alex V.
Caroline R., Elli K., Kate S., Eleanor E., and Mackenzie P., were on solo 13’s last night returning this morning. The kayaking trip to the lower green was Mary Raines A., Mary Russel M., Eleanor D., and Rachel C.
Activities were as fun as always! The weather was a perfect day for Dorris and many girls got to blob, canoe, and kayak. Today in the kitchen, we grilled up some gourmet grilled cheese. The girls headed for lunch where they enjoyed more grilled cheese and tomato soup! Rest hour was next where they could recharge and then go get some sweet treats at Trade Po.
The afternoon activities were just as fun as the morning. The girls got to play volleyball and ride around camp on the horses. Today was bath day for the puppies too!! After fourth period we headed to dinner for chicken Alfredo and lemon squares, a camp favorite!! Tonight’s evening activity is cabin night for the girls which is great last minute bonding before the end of the session. It was another merry day at Camp Merri Mac.
Tomi Michele Thomas
Mountain Biking Instructor