A Great Thursday at Merri-Mac

A Great Thursday at Merri-Mac
The bugle rang this morning at 7 a.m. and girls quickly tidied up their cabins and made their beds before hurrying down for breakfast. The girls ate sausage, eggs, hash browns, and biscuits before heading to chapel where Kristie G. talked about her experience on B.M.E. when she misheard their rafting guide and jumped out of the raft taking another person down with her, instead of getting down inside of the raft. After get stuck under the raft for a few seconds, their rafting guide promptly pulled them out of the water and told them that they were okay and that they were safe, just like Jesus tells us in Matthew 14:22-23.
Following chapel, the girls had some free time before heading to their first activity at 10 am! Girls worked on their bars in tennis, practiced their lay-ups in basketball, and practiced shooting at the targets in Archery. In Guitar, girls worked together to write their own songs in preparation for the talent show, Fine Arts Night, coming up in a few days.
A Rafting trip also went out with Anabel H., Lily B., Taylor H., Maxine H., Lila I., Kate J., Maclaren M., Hannah M., Claire M., Kira M., Greta V. Sophia F., Tarver G., and Campbell E.
Everyone headed to the Tucker Inn for lunch after their morning activities and filled up on delicious pizza and fruit! After they ate, everyone cheered at the top of their lungs for their tribes before leaving for rest hour.
The sun came out just in time for third and fourth-period activities and made for a beautiful day at camp! On the lake, girls learned their wet exits in kayaking as well as worked on their rolls. Girls in diving worked on perfecting their different skills to work towards getting their bars. It was even pretty enough for girls to climb the upper tower in climbing class.
Tonight the evening activity is Aquapalooza! The girls will be splitting up into their different age groups and playing water-related games that will take place all over camp. Junior camp is doing a slip n slide on Macky’s Green, Intermediate camp is playing commando, a water balloon game, in Bear Camp, and Senior camp will play Pirate Ball in Lake Doris! We are so excited!!
Julia Farley C.
Tweedle Doe Counselor