Rest Day, Best Day
Rest Day, Best Day
In the beginning, God set aside the seventh day as a day of rest. Here at Camp Merri-Mac, we make sure to uphold this day of rest. Reveille (aka the wake-up bugle) goes off an hour later than usual. Not only do the girls get to sleep in, they are also treated to a scrumptious breakfast of cinnamon rolls! After everyone has had their fill (one cabin proudly boasting a record of eating 62 rolls) the next stop is Chapel. Today’s Chapel message was given by the cabin Up Yonder. They performed a skit about Zaccheus that reminded us how Jesus loves us, even when we feel alone.
A few out of camp trips went out today!
Reese Z., Ella Grace W., Sylvia B., and Cameron P. all hiked the Tomahawk Trail! Dahlia A., Tizzy P., Margaret R., Hattie T., all enjoyed a WaterSkiing adventure! In addition to these thrilling trips, all of our girls with brothers at Timberlake were given the opportunity to travel over to Timberlake for the day to spend time with their siblings, eat lunch and play in the lake!
Now, normally we have a full slate of activities that the girls rotate through. On Sunday, however, the girls have nothing but free time. And boy do they love it! Free swim for intermediate campers kicked off the morning. Stella J was spotted many times dancing along to the music playing on the dock. At one point, a conga line even formed to “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel. Other campers skipped the lake to watch the Women’s World Cup being broadcasted in the dining hall. The game lasted until the middle of lunch, with the US team becoming the champions and the Merri-Mac campers cheering in delight.
After lunch was an hour-long rest hour, much appreciated by campers and counselors alike. A staff volleyball game between Iroquois and Seminole counselors was arranged late and attracted an avid audience waiting in line for Tray-Po snacks. Iroquois chief Jordan W cheered on her tribe through three thrilling rounds.
And currently, dear readers, everyone is waiting eagerly for the weekly Sunday cookout to start. Some of our counselors have been grilling hamburgers and hot dogs all afternoon. We’ll all feast, and then watch some funny skits and song routines put on by some of our other counselors. A rest day, yes, but there is never a dull moment here at Merri-Mac!
From this Haven,
Cydia W.
Happy Hollow
2nd Summer at Camp