Today was a miraculous Monday at Camp Merri-Mac. This morning we had a fantastic breakfast of baked oatmeal and cinnamon apples. Yum! Afterward, we heard a tremendous true story from Adam Boyd and went to our activities. The first period smelled rather delicious as in cooking, they were learning how to bake chocolate chip cookies. Mountain biking was fun as they learned how to break on their bikes and successfully ride a mountain bike. In second period kayaking, most girls conquered their fears and learned how to wet exit, or wexit as some of the girls call it, from their boats when they flipped over successfully. In backpacking, they learned all about the seven Leave No Trace rules that apply when they are hiking on a trail or on a backpacking trip. They were put into groups and created skits to show what to do and what not to do. Lunch was pizza and caesar salad today, which is most definitely a camp favorite. After lunch, the evening activity was announced, and it’s counselor hunt! This is a massive game of hide and seek where the three tribes compete to find the most counselors, and if the counselors are found, they are pushed into the lake. Each counselor is a certain amount of points, but the catch is that the counselors can be negative points, and the campers won’t know how much a counselor is worth until they push them into the lake. Tonight is going to be a very fun night and will hopefully be a win for the Red Wolves!