A Sunny Monday at Merri Mac

A Sunny Monday at Merri Mac
It was a sunny morning this Monday on Black Mountain! While the campers arose from their beds, the kitchen staff was hard at work making our delicious breakfast of french toast and sausage links! Shortly after, all the campers arrived at the Tucker Inn to dine and enjoy their last Monday morning of first session!
After breakfast, the girls made their way up the hill to chapel. Here, they experienced worship and fellowship led by some Merri-Mac staff. Following worship, Adam Boyd gave an insightful talk on “Who is Jesus?” and how we can experience him in our everyday lives!
After chapel, the girls were off to their first and second period activities. In cooking, the girls were making little pizzas topped with pepperoni and sausage. Yum! Over in pottery, campers were hard at work on their pieces. Many are in the process of preparing their pieces to be thrown in the kiln, so they can be glazed and beautiful before the end of the week! In gymnastics, many of the campers were working on their floor tumbling. This includes, cartwheels, roundoffs, handstands, and even back handsprings!
In the midst of their sun-filled morning of activities, the girls hear the bugle that indicates lunch time! Today the kitchen whipped up some tasty cheese quesadillas and a side of chips. The
campers also had choices from the Merri-Mac salad and hot bar. After the campers sang their tribe songs and our tables were all cleared and clean, the girls headed back to their cabins for rest
hour. Rest hour is such a relaxing time for these girls and aids them in staying energized for their third and fourth period activities.
Once the bugle sounds, the campers are off to the Trading Post
and free time. Today there were many tournaments hosted by girls attempting to achieve their gold bar in an activity! One of those being a pickleball tournament hosted by Anna Evans in Blue Heaven!
Once free time concluded, the girls were back to their activities to finish out the sunny day here. The dock was especially buzzing with excitement from senior hill, as their nighttime activity is Pirateball in the lake! While in bear camp, the girls prepare for their powderpuff games! Last but certainly not least, the Tweedle cabins are pumped for the evening slip-n-slide! These activities are some camp favorites among campers and staff!
After their evening activities, some of the cabins participate in post-evening activities which include s’mores, free swim, camping out, or hot chocolate. What a great way to wind down after a wonderful day! We cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings at Camp Merri-Mac!
From this Haven,
Elise Andrews