Adam Boyd - June 11th 2023
Good Morning from Black Mountain!
Merri Mac has been full of fun and laughter. With a cold breeze amongst them, campers started their day with some deliciously warm coffee cake bread, hash browns, sausage links, and scrambled eggs. Campers enjoyed this meal with their cabins at their individual cabin tables within the Tucker Inn. Chapel was to follow where the sun did the same and the heat was able to warm us all up for some songs and worship. Adam Boyd shared words and preached about what sin was and our eternal life with God, with mentions of Romans 6:23. Activities 1 and 2 proceeded after chapel.
From horseback riding in the ring, to paws in the Ranch, to kayaking in Lake Dorris, to soccer on Pippin Hill, the girls were busy. Campers were even able to make delicious brownies (and even s’more brownies) in cooking classes today as well. Lunch was yummy brisket sandwiches, baked beans, and grapes, along with the option of tomato soup on the soup bar, the salad bar, and some fruit. Following lunch tribe songs were sung throughout the Tucker Inn with much pride from each camper. The proudness was felt through the claps, cheers, and stomps from every girl. Following the songs, campers found out that the Red Wolf tribe won the evening activity from the night prior (6/9), which was The Great Escape, and the Black Bears won the spirit points for that evening activity as well.
As the day went along, the sun popped out even more, allowing the summer heat to show through. Campers enjoyed a relaxing rest time after lunch, in which many read, drew, colored, or even took naps. But the quiet among camp during that rest hour was not to last long as free time proceeded right after. With the Trading Post being, quite literally, the most prized spot on camp, campers were eager to get in line to snatch their favorite snack and a drink. Some of these snacks included m&m’s, sour patch kids, and even a Twix bar. During free time the girls were able to play and hang out with their friends. Some played volleyball, tetherball, or even gaga ball.
Proceeding the ever-most eventful free time, campers hurried along to their third and fourth periods which included all the variety of activities offered in the morning activities as well. Activities included, archery where several bulls-eyes were shot, and studio fitness where meditation was being practiced. As the evening whined down dinner was to follow consisting of Chicken Alfredo, mixed vegetables, and French bread.
After sharing cabin songs loud and proud, the girls showed their competitive sides and dedication to their tribes with the evening activity of Inferno. Campers in each of the three tribes were given the task of putting out the campfire of other tribes’ fires by trying to get cups of water while keeping their own fire lit. The excitement and cheers of encouragement by tribe mates roared all through the mountains last night. Following the evening activity, cabins were able to have enjoyable individualized cabin activities with some consisting of roasting s’mores, cabin fashion shows, dance parties, and even game nights. While the thrill of the day was felt throughout the camp, campers went to bed after a long and busy day of fun!
Analise Hyde