It’s a Merri-Mac Monday!

It’s a Merri-Mac Monday!
Our day here at Merri-Mac started off just like every other morning, birds chirping, sun shining, and the laughter that usually fills our days had just begun; except something was different. We finished up our chores and headed down to eat breakfast which was waffles and sausage patties! Truly a camp favorite. When the delicious meal was finished, we sang our breakfast songs- Princess Pat, Never tell lies, and the Prune song. Then, the long awaited announcement was finally delivered, today is TRIBEFEST! A full day of tribal games. Counselors jumped up on their benches to reveal their tribe shirts that had been hiding under sweatshirts, and by then cheering consumed the Tucker Inn.
At chapel we got to sing and praise God for all of his wondrous blessings in our lives. This morning Meg Van Cleve delivered her intriguing True Story of a time where she went scuba diving at night! Meg ended with Colossians 1: 15-20 which talks about how Jesus is the image of invisibility.
Directly following chapel girls raced back to their cabins to change into their tribal outfits of facepaint, tutus, glitter and more! Our first game…Tribal Trash Pickup! The smaller the piece of trash, the more points it is worth; this game is not only a banner decider but it’s also a great way to keep our camp looking beautiful. Our second game of the day was the Great Escape! Girls ran all over the place to complete different tasks and collect slips of paper with part of a clue written on it; once a team has collected all of the slips of paper, they have to put them in order and solve the riddle.
The afternoon was filled with just as much excitement as the morning was, with inferno and battleball– two of camp’s most favorite games (at least they are for me). The Golden Eagles, Black Bears, and Red Wolves have been going at it all day, but you can still find them side by side even after a full day of games.
From this haven,
Madi Kollar, Little Dipper Counselor