What a Wonderful Wednesday!
What a Wonderful Wednesday!
After a relaxing Christmas day here at Merri-Mac, it was back to usual today at camp. Camp was woken up today by a morning thunderstorm that cooled the air and got the morning off to a great start. After cleaning their cabins the girls headed down the hill to breakfast, which was great! This morning’s menu included: biscuits, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and then a yogurt & waffle bar. The girls loved it (and so did I!). After breakfast the girls headed to chapel, where counselor Stephanie Robinett talked about not fearing life’s storms because we know that Jesus is with us at all times. It was such an encouraging and helpful message. After chapel, the Seminole and Choctaw tribe headed to their tribe meetings to prepare for tonight’s volleyball game. The Iroquois tribe headed back to their cabin for some free time. At 10:30 the bugle rang for first period to start and the girls headed to their first period classes… it was a great morning at Merri-Mac! One of the highlights of today was cooking class. If you walked by the Merri-Mac kitchen, the smells of homemade cinnamon rolls hit you in the nose and left your mouth watering. I am guilty of “stopping by” the kitchen multiple times throughout the day. They were just so good! This morning there was an all day kayaking trip that went out, Kristie G., Madi S., Anna B., and Katie G. were all a part of this trip. They had the opportunity kayak down the Tuck River.
After the bugle signaled the end of second period classes, the girls headed down to the Tucker Inn to prepare for lunch. Rumors were flying that s’more pockets were being served, and every girl was anxiously waiting to see if this was true or not. As soon as the lunch bell rang girls hurried into the dining hall to check the menu, and sure enough, s’more pockets were true! The full lunch menu included: mini corndogs, Mac-n-cheese, and s’more pockets. Girls filled up on all this deliciousness and then headed back to their cabins for a much needed rest time. After a wonderful rest time, the girls charged down the hill in anticipation for trading post. The girls enjoyed some wonderful down time eating candy and hanging out with friends. Walking around camp you could find multiple games of tetherball happening and girls laughing and having a blast.
In the afternoon another trip left camp! This was an afternoon waterskiing trip. Eva B., Sara W., Julia., Cassandra C., Meghan W., and Hamilton I. all went on this trip. All the girls came back excited and with many fun stories about their days on the lake.
As the day went on many girls received bars in their classes. In Camp Craft, Grace B. and Ashlynn T. received their bronze bar! In volleyball, Gracie Rae H., Wynne W., Hailey H., and Anne Sutton W. received the bronze. Hanna S. and Hayli H. achieved their gold bar in volleyball this is such a huge accomplishment and we are so proud of these girls. Lawton N. earned her bronze bar in lacrosee. Taylor U. earned her gold bar in lacrosse. This is one of the few gold bars in lacrosse that has ever been given out, such an exciting accomplishment. Olivia C. received her bronze in guitar.
After a full day of classes, trips, and bars, it was time for dinner! The dinner menu included chicken fingers, corn, mashed potatoes, and cake. Dinner was hit and everyone left full and happy. After dinner the Seminole and Choctaw headed off to play volleyball and the Iroquois headed off to the Nibble Nook for ice cream. Such a fun night for all! Go Seminoles.
It has been a great day at Merri-Mac and we hope you are all doing so well!
Morgan Rutledge
Dream’s End Counselor
Proud Seminole