News From Camp
News From Camp
“Good night, Darling,” Mama Merrimac said to her daughter Rainbow. Rainbow laid down her head and drifted fast asleep and into a most wonderful dream zzzzzzzzzzzz…
Bugle blowing, Rainbow found herself at Camp MM in Tucker Inn for a delicious breakfast of biscuits, eggs, sausage, and hash browns. After breakfast, she followed the crowd to chapel where she cheerfully sang “Light the Fire.” Counselor Leanne Burton then delivered an insightful chapel message about God being with us and helping us when we are lost, scared, or fall short. Encouraged, Rainbow headed to her cabin to prepare for the activities of the day.
Back at the cabin, she heard loud chatter about trips leaving camp that day. Going on a kayaking trip were Madison D., Lauier L., Adair C., Bailey A., and Stephanie C. On a bouldering trip were Morgan P., Sydney B., Margaret B., Caroline C., Jess T., and Jessica G. On a hiking trip were Madison H., Kylie F., Nicole Y., Megan P., Amy J., and Sara C.
Excited to find out what her day would hold, Rainbow set out to her activities. What a treat it was, literally, when she found herself in cooking class. Chocolate chip cupcakes were on the menu for the day, and Rainbow could not have been more enthusiastic to begin. Time flew and so did coco powder as the ingredients were being mixed to create deliciousness. Before she knew it, hot cupcakes were coming out of the oven. Being the kind person Rainbow was, she volunteered to taste test the cupcakes. “It will be difficult to eat such goodness, but someone has to do it,” Rainbow thought to herself.
Rainbow’s next activity was horseback riding. “What beautiful and powerful creatures,” Rainbow commented to the instructors. After safety talk and gearing up, Rainbow mounted her horse, and YAH, off she went around the ring. What an amazing experience to be able to control and move with such an animal! Rainbow could have ridden all day, but lunch was coming, and she needed her energy. Lunch came and went. After representing her Iroquois tribe in song, it was time for yet another adventurous activity.
Dance class was next on her activity list. Woot woot! Rainbow loved to dance! Aubrey, the dance instructor had exciting plans for the class today. Soon, the dance class would be preforming for the camp fine arts show, and the class needed to pick their music and begin learning a routine. Rainbow could not wait to perform for the camp. Surely, it would a highlight of her camp experience.
Last but not least, Rainbow made her way to archery. With encouragement and instruction from the counselors, Rainbow shot a bullseye! How amazing! For sure, she would be skilled at archery in no time and receive her bronze, silver, and gold bars.
Dinner was delicious, but Rainbow could barely focus on the food with the tribal volleyball game as the evening activity. It would be a close match between the Seminoles and the Iroquois, but Rainbow knew that no matter who one, it would be fun. The whistle blew for the first serve…
Suddenly Rainbow awoke from her dream to find Mama Merrimac at her side. “Mama, I just had the most superb dream ever!”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Well, it all started with the bugle…”
Written by:
Stephanie Bennett
Rainbow Cabin
Archery Instructor
Iroquois Tribe