Another beautiful day at Camp Merri-Mac, through the eyes of photography.

Another beautiful day at Camp Merri-Mac, through the eyes of photography.
Hello from camp! Today, I experienced camp from a new perspective: behind the lens of my camera.
We began the morning by zooming in on the earliest hours of camp. The day started with the bugle sounding of Reveille, signaling to sleepy campers that it was time to begin another great day at camp. Beds were made, cabins cleaned, and campers cheerfully made their way down to breakfast. Campers and staff alike were thrilled to discover that this morning’s meal was a camp favorite: Circle Egg Day! Excited giggles continued as we began singing our morning songs in the Tucker Inn. Today’s set list comprised of “Boom Boom Ain’t it Great to Be Crazy”, “Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends” and “Sippin’ Cider”.
From there, we made our way to Merri-Mac’s beautiful chapel, to snapshot a moment of singing songs to praise God and learn more about him. Adam spoke on “Who is Man” and how something in us isn’t perfect, which is why we constantly need God. After chapel, the Iroquois and Seminole tribes made their way to volleyball tryouts, in preparation for the upcoming evening activity. Though it was a long process both tribes successfully formed teams, promising for a riveting game this evening. While these two tribes compete, Choctaw gets to go out for a dessert of ice cream!
Our activities began with much enthusiasm, as it was a beautiful day of sunshine and Merri-Mac fun. In Archery, counselor Molly M, instructed campers on how to properly shoot the target and work on their bars. Sophia S. did a commendable job of shooting at 30 yards, a requirement for earning her Silver bar. Tweedle Dee camper Caroline S. learned successful archery techniques, while Clarissa S. even managed to get a bullseye! As I turned to leave archery, I was thrilled to hear beautiful guitar music from up the hill on Little Dipper porch. In guitar class, campers were working on learning all of the open chords on guitar, so that they can eventually progress to mastering bar chords. Anna M. and Margaret P. practiced playing and singing chapel songs, such as “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go”.
On the dock, Elizabeth C. worked on her roll in Kayaking. Other girls also worked on T-Rescues as well as basic kayaking strokes and techniques. In swimming, CIT Sydney D. helped girls improve their freestyle and backstroke skills, while encouraging them to work on earning their bars. In canoeing, girls practiced switching places in the boat and deep-water reentry.
Horseback riding at Merri-Mac is always a favorite and I was able to capture many smiling faces today at the barn. Gracie Rae H. loved getting to work on trotting and cantering. At climbing, girls split up into groups and took turns climbing the overhang in the Mike and the traverse wall. Both require patience and skill, since the overhang involves climbing at a less than 90-degree angle and the traverse wall entails climbing from left to right.
In Knitting, Caroline W. enjoyed learning how to cast on and begin knitting in hopes of successfully making a headband. Inside of the Wishing Well in the Merri-Mac Kitchen, Taylor T. and Emma J. loved getting to bake brownies from scratch, which were enjoyed by all for much of the afternoon.
According to Vivian P, the best part of today was definitely the weather and the fact that the sun is still shining over our beloved Blue Ridge Mountains. I could not agree more and have loved being able to capture priceless moments of camp laughter and joy through my camera lens.
Thank you all for sharing your beautiful daughters with us. We love them so much and are blessed by them daily.
From this Haven,
Lucy D.
Sunspot Counselor
Guitar Instructor
Proud Iroquois