One Word: Rockmont.
One Word: Rockmont.
We started off another beautiful day here at camp with the sun shining and the girls’ voices ringing through the dining hall, cabins, chapel. You’re sure to hear singing wherever you go on camp- rain or shine. The girls headed to chapel after breakfast led by Rachel B. and Robin F. and heard a story by Adam about how God gave a part of himself to wash away our sins. After chapel, all three tribes held meetings to teach songs to our newer girls and ended these meetings with group hugs and prayers! Though the initial excitement of being back at camp has settled, the energy and enthusiasm these girls have through their love of camp is endless! Following a short free time, activities commenced with the smell of chili and corn bread wafting from the kitchen, Riding practicing jumps around the ring and Climbing meeting at the Tower to climb the highest course we have here at camp! Girls in Gymnastics twisted and turned to earn bars while Camp Craft went on a short hike near camp! Though the storm clouds ominously rolled in, camp spirits stayed high… who knew the girls could be any happier! With evening activity still a mystery, the girls waited in silence after another delicious lunch of sandwiches as Adam grabbed the microphone. After a few jokes to raise the bar and excite the girls even more, the curiosity and wonder was ended as he finally said “ROCKMONT”. Cheers, whoops and screams erupted as the girl’s hugged and jumped up and down. Rockmont, a boy’s camp down the road, has had a tradition of inviting our older Merri-Mac girls to a dance and a firework show during the second session. None of the girls knew that they would be primping, polishing and putting on pretty dresses tonight to enjoy an evening of dancing and making new friends! Comet age and below will be blobbing, swimming and diving instead after dinner, and announcing things in the Tucker Inn such as “Hey Merri-Mac, y’all look pretty! Have fun tonight!”. The thunder clouds have dispersed to let our young Merri-Mac gals have just as much (if not more) fun as our older girls! Parents, you can rest easy again tonight knowing that your girls are having an amazing time up here in the mountains. After a thrilling night, the girls will return to their bunks and prepare for a beautiful day of rest we have tomorrow.
Thank you for sharing your daughters with us this summer- we are continuously blessed.
Julianna H.
~Proud Seminole~