Rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory!

Rise and shine, and give God your glory, glory!
Another beautiful morning at Camp Merri-Mac began as the breakfast bell rang. Campers all over swarmed the dining hall for a scrumptious breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage patties, and, of course, the yogurt bar. Sunnysiders led breakfast songs like the infamous “Repeat After Me Ratlin Bog Song”. From there, the girls enjoyed their morning stroll to chapel where Hunter W. and counselor Maddy led worship. Adam then spoke on how God requires us to love Him. With that, the girls then ran off to tribal meetings and some free time before daily activities.
The girls scurried to their classes once the bugle rang for their first class to start. With it being the last full day of classes, the girls mostly got to choose what they wanted to do/work on in their activities. In archery, Izzy O. received her bronze after a few summers of hard work. Tennis, basketball, lacrosse, and volleyball all played various games and set up a few scrimmages. In guitar, Isabeau C. received her bronze. While backpacking spent their morning on the lower ropes course, gymnastics was bouncing around on a free day of trampoline.
After the first two classes of the days, the girls were jumping with joy to find mini corndogs, mac n’ cheese, and fudge pops for lunch today. Surprisingly, there was no food eating contests. Tribe leaders proceeded to lead their tribes in older tribe songs, with the exception of Choctaw’s new rendition of “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys.
And then the best bugle of the day: rest “half” hour. The girls were sitting in their beds anxiously awaiting the bugle sounding to send them racing down the hill to trading post. With it being some of the girls last days at trading post, girls were undoubtedly enjoying every last bite of their candy bars.
As third and fourth period arrived, the girls were still itching to learn new things and play more games. Climbing spent their day on the tower, where Juliana R. learned a new skill called “ascend”, which is used to perform a rescue. On good ole Lake Doris swimming blobbed, canoeing swamped their canoes, and kayaking played kayak polo. Pottery painted their ‘thrown’ pots, and everyone’s stomach was growling as cooking made salsa and quesadillas.
With the day almost over, the girls were getting ready for dinner wondering what could top the meals they had already had today. Surprise! It was another great meal that consisted of chicken strips, mashed potatoes, corn, and sugar cookies. Cabin songs followed, along with the announcement of Seminoles winning spirit points from Inferno two nights ago.
With the rain hindering us from the teepee, Merri-Mac proceeded to have their last White Feather ceremony of the two week session.
The following campers from Junior Camp received commendations: Eva B., Marlo R., Kathryn B., Lily B., Natalie B., Reese C., Leighton E., Sarah R., Abigail A., Nora B., Carson C., Enley M., Lucy P., Cooper K., and Eve Q.
The following campers from Intermediate Camp received commendations: Emily B., Cate F., Lizzie R., Abigail H., AnnaFrench S., Sofia S., Emerson E., Courtney H., Caroline R., Meghan H., Lexie D., Ava T., Ally P., Emma Claire M., Payton W., Margaret D., Casey C., Annalise M., Isabelle R., Ellie F., Ann Gardiner H., Allie M., Karly K., Carly L., and Caroline D.
The following campers from Senior Camp received commendations: Sang-Mi L., Mary Elizabeth B., Julia P., Izzy O., Mairin M., Maggie O., MC C., Bree P., Madeline H., Sophia H., Christina C., Amelia R., Catherine M., Molly R., Katie M., Morgan P., Morgan B., Juliana R., Caroline K., Meghan M., Evelyn A., Zoe R., Anne Dillon L., and Maggie B.
The following campers received promotions during the White Feather ceremony: Junior Camp: Groundhog (2nd rank): Evelyn R., Cooper K., Natalie B., Lily B., Marlo R., and Reese C. We also had one girl received Bear, which is the highest rank in Junior Camp, and that was Leighton E.
Intermediate Camp: Arrow (1st rank): Ally P., Ellie F., Caroline R., Sophia V., Sofia S., Moriah S., Emma S., Margaret D., Emily B., Cate F., Lizzie R., and Abigail H.; Crazy Creek (2nd rank): Katherine Faye N.; Long Bow (3rd rank): Isabel E.
Senior Camp: Running Deer (4th rank): Evelyn A., Caroline G., Mary Elizabeth B., Katherine M., Morgan P., Alex V., Meghan R., and Caroline C.; Red Tail (5th rank): Bree P., Morgan B., Hannah G., Mairin M., Izzy O., Maggie B., and Miller E. We then had one girl receive Junior Feather, which is the highest rank before White Feather, and that was Juliana R. Congrats to all!
The rain finally let up, and the girls ran outside in their tribe jerseys for one the most popular evening activities: Sock War! Our rendition of ‘capture the flag’ involves each tribe playing each other, and trying to capture the other tribe’s flag. The flag lies in a ‘safe zone’ where a girl from the other tribe is only “safe” in there for 10 seconds before she can be tagged by getting hit by a sock. As the girls plan to charge the other tribe’s area for the flag to win the title of the golden sock, the weather is cooling off. Stay tuned to find out the winner tomorrow (Go Choctaw)!
Sweet dreams Merri-Mac!
Counselor Lauren
7th year returning
Big Dipper Counselor
Gymnastics Instructor
Proud Choctaw