A Very Merry Merri-Mac Christmas!

A Very Merry Merri-Mac Christmas!
Ho-Ho-Ho. Merry Christmas Merri-Mac! It was a beautiful sunny morning on camp to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Campers were awaken an hour later today by the sweet sound of the donut truck that came around to the cabins. Merri-Mac started Christmas off right! The campers eagerly scurried out of their beds to get the delicious Krispy-Kreme donuts, hot chocolate, and milk that was served to them outside of their cabins, while donning Christmas PJs , some mild bed-head, and huge sugar-induced smiles. It was a treat to the counselors as well, seeing as the campers delivered them all donuts and drinks in their beds! Campers also were awaken with the surprise of stuffed stockings filled with candy, mints, and don’t forget the apples. On Christmas- Eve campers all made each other Secret Santa gifts, like frames and hats that they also got to give to one another Christmas morning. After the consumption of scrumptious sweets and cabin clean-up, campers headed off to chapel to sing Christmas carols such as silent night and hear Emmalee talk about “Who is Man.”
Campers then jumped right into second period to enjoy and get everything out of the last day of some of their classes. Some of the activities even incorporated the Christmas spirit! Kendall taught them all how to play silent night in guitar, followed by the song Pompeii. Meanwhile in DIY crafts, Avery F made a Christmas colored arrow. In Knitting Holly P was spreading Christmas cheer through gift giving, as she says she is knitting a bow for all of her counselors. Meanwhile, Chelsea Y finished knitting a cute green sleeping bag for her pet hamster. The creative juices were also flowing in pottery, where campers were glazing their ocarinas (musical whistles) and thrown pots (made on the pottery wheel.)
For Lunch, everyone headed down to the Tucker-Inn for a Christmas feast of Turkey, mashed-potatoes and gravy, peas, stuffing, and warm-bread and the dining hall sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. Lunch ended with tribe songs as usual, but this time every tribe sang a song of a different tribe to spice things up!
After a much needed rest hour and trade post fix, 3rd period classes commenced. Cooking whipped up quite the recipe today. Girls mixed up yummy ingredients to make warm biscuits that they topped off with fresh strawberries. Nothing like strawberry shortcake in the summertime! Girls worked off all their delicious Christmas treats in activities like climbing, tennis, basketball, backpacking, and many more. In climbing they worked on bouldering and climbing the upper tower. Elizabeth J loves climbing and says “you can do more than you think you can.” Girls worked on defense in basketball today, and it was game day in tennis where they incorporated all the skills they had learned through their favorite tennis games. In backpacking they conquered the lower ropes course. Ellie M loves backpacking because she says, “backpacking is where you can bring out your adventurous side.” After dinner the girls headed over to the Mic for Christmas Vespers (skits) done by their counselors! It was a very Merry Christmas at Merri-Mac indeed!