Wednesday Rhymes

Wednesday Rhymes
It was 7 A.M. and the sun was shining bright
We woke up well rested after an eventful night
We brushed our teeth and made our beds
We combed the tangles out of our heads
We cleaned up our cabins all nice and neat
We headed down the hill where there was coffee cake to eat
When breakfast was finished, we stood and sang loud
Then we walked up to chapel as a big happy crowd
Singing praise to our Lord, we started our day
We glorify God in all of our ways
The bugle rang and the 1st activity had begun
We are learning a lot and having so much fun
In yoga, we stretched on our mats on the floor
In fitness, we worked to strengthen our core
In swimming and diving, we made quite a splash
In DIY and pottery, we perfected our crafts
In archery and riflery, we shot really far
Audrey S. even earned her gold bar
In 2nd period gymnastics, we worked on our tumbling
After all our hard work, our tummies were rumbling
We headed to lunch, and to our surprise
It was a camp favorite combo of chicken patties and fries
When we finished our dessert, we cheered for our tribes
Our evening activity tonight is THE ROCKMONT DANCE… (I am just as surprised as you are)
We walked up the hill for our mid-day rest
Next we ran to trading post, which is always the best
The bugle rang to start activities three and four
This day is so great, camp is never a bore
In puppy camp, we got to feed our dogs
In drama, we preformed our monologues
In canoeing and kayaking, we paddled on the lake
In cooking today, cheese pizza we baked
Fencing was fierce, there was no time to sit
And today on the patio we learned how to knit
We ran up to our cabins to look our very best
Tonight we are excited to be Camp Rockmont’s guests
At dinner, the dining hall was filled with glee
The girls all look beautiful, it is easy to see
Now we are off for our special night
Headed to dance under those disco lights
When we get back, we will snuggle into our beds
We are looking forward to the next day ahead
Olivia Wiggins
Milky Way Counselor