The Bright Sun Comes Up
The Bright Sun Comes Up
If you had taken a stroll through senior camp this morning, you would have heard the all-too-common phrase “get up and make your beds!” upwards of ten times! We may have gotten off to a slow start, but after a breakfast of waffles and bacon, we were ready to start the day! After singing “Let My Light Shine Bright,” “All in All,” and “Prince of Peace” in the chapel, we heard from Moonmist counselor Audrey S. that Jesus is our provider. As we mulled over the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with only seven loaves of bread, we headed off to our activities!
In Cooking this morning, Grace C. and her team conquered mini peach pies. The kitchen sure smelled delicious this morning! In pottery, Gia V. threw a new piece on the wheel and it looked flawless! In DIY craft this morning, campers learned how to weave coasters using paper plates and yarn! Basketball worked on layups and it was really awesome to watch even the smallest girls make the basket! Guitar was full of experienced campers this morning and they were all learning different songs at the same time! Among the melodies that echoed through these sacred hills were “Riptide,” “Photograph,” and “Here Comes the Sun.” Dance class had separated into groups of two and was dedicated to creating an original dance to be performed on Monday! Tennis had a busy morning with Rebecca M., Libba M., Grace D., and Ryan W. earning their bronze bars!
Lunch was a camp favorite: meatball subs and waffle fries! An odd combo, one might say, but camp is all about taking things that don’t necessarily go together in the real world and making them inseparable. When we absolutely could not eat any more, we made the dreaded climb up the hill for rest hour. Have you ever tried to climb a mountain on a full tummy? It’s not easy! After some vigorous napping and letter writing, we sprinted back down the hill for Trading Post candy! Then it was right back to activities. Hayden W. learned the sitting position in riflery, and Gia V. finished her sitting groups for her silver bar! There were no puppies to be seen near the kennels, but I later found them walking beside the lake! Swimming had a free swim day and there were many blobbing and cannonballing adventures to be seen. Paisley D. and Martha O. did not partake in the frolicking, however, and earned their bronze bars! Backpacking took a trip to the challenge course and crossed “hot lava” with nothing to aid them but a rope! Eleanor P. took initiative in organizing a safe crossing. Tonight after jambalaya, we are going to eat ice cream and have a dance party! It will be nice to have a break from tribal activities, especially since yesterday was Tribefest! We are also looking forward to the day of rest tomorrow!
Until then,
Taryn Springer
Dreams End Counselor