Christmas in June!

Christmas in June!
It’s Christmas at camp! Last night the girls were surprised and excited to find out that Santa Claus was coming to town. After dinner the Sunnyside and Dreams girls did crafts with the cabins while Santa’s elves (the staff) stuffed stockings and warmed up our singing voices. Once all of the stockings were ready to go we set out with candles to carol at each cabin. The staff returned to the cabins and before we knew it, not a a cabin was stirring not even a tweedle!
A Solo 13 backpacking trip got back just before the start of Christmas morning activities. These girls slept in the woods all night by themselves! We were so proud of these girls for their endurance and bravery!
We slept in an extra hour and then woke up to Christmas music and the smell of donuts. The girls threw on their festive attire and rushed out of their cabins to eat a full Christmas morning feast of donuts, yogurt, bananas and hot chocolate. The girls danced to the Christmas music and laughed as we were overwhelmed by sugar rushes and the Christmas spirit. And don’t worry, Mom and Dad, we took lots of pictures!
The Sunnyside campers received their decorated clipboards that the counselors have been working hard on since the start of camp. The Sunnyside girls were excited to be a part of this continuing tradition and show off their position as the oldest girls at camp.
In chapel we sang fun Christmas songs and listen to Adam talk about John 4. We discussed Jesus offering the woman at the well “living water” and talking about what this means. Adam explained that Jesus is the only way to be truly satisfied.
We had Christmas lunch today which consisted of turkey, dressing, peas, and mashed potatoes. Also, we had dessert at lunch – a Christmas miracle! After lunch we headed to a much needed rest period. Following rest period was a mad dash to tray-po for more sugary snacks!
Despite an excited holiday, the girls headed to their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th activities to continue working hard to get their bars. In backpacking the girls continued to work on starting a fire. The volleyball players worked on their serves. The campers in canoeing flipped the canoes, also known as swamping, and then learned how to fix the problem they had just created. Guitar worked on playing jingle bells and then went around “caroling” to the other activities. Pottery finished up glazing. Delicious peppermint milkshakes and chocolate cakes were made in cooking class.
Oh, everyday at Camp Merri-Mac is so wonderful but there’s nothing like Christmas in June! Can’t wait for what tomorrow holds!
Lainee A.
Rainbow Counselor
Proud Iroquois