What does our website have to do with our philosophy of camping?

What does our website have to do with our philosophy of camping?
Each fall we begin our search for three staff members with a social media and image background and a love for camp. We also hire an extra counselor so that we can pull a different girl out of her activities and cabin each day. Her job is then to become our camp photographer and journalist. She begins after our morning staff meeting taking pictures and notes of the day’s events and usually ends her day sometime after taps writing an article to be posted later that night. Amazingly, all of this does nothing to change your daughter’s camp experience, in fact that is the point!
Instead we want to give our parents a one-way window into their daughters’ summer. As parents Ann and I want to know everything that happens with our own children (now all on staff!), but as camp directors we also know how important it is for them to develop a healthy sense of independence. With this in mind we have developed Merri-Mac’s web site as a way to sneak a glimpse of her camp experience without changing that experience at all.
Chances are that you will find a picture of your camper a couple times each week, but the purpose of the site is not to show individuals; it is to tell the story of camp. We want our parents to see everything that happens at camp. We want you to know what the Field Day’s tribal cheers sound like. We want you to become caught up in the plot of Stardust raiding Milky Way. We want you to know share the adventure of Tweedle Dum raiding the kitchen. We want this because these are the things that are making your campers smile and sing and lose their voices laughing and cheering!
Each morning before breakfast I sneak into my office to flip through the most current pictures. My daughter’s picture is not often there, but each morning I learn something about camp that I never knew- yes, I still do. The reason we have a website is because we want our parents to fall in love with camp the same way our girls do, so let us know how we’re doing. Let us know what parts of camp you would like to see and we’ll make every effort to show it.
Great Camping!