Saturday at a Glance

Saturday at a Glance
This morning started out like all of our campers here – super sweet! Syrup was poured all over french toast sticks and the day was deemed Disney-themed as songs from High School Musical, Mulan, and The Little Mermaid rang out from the dining hall. The girls headed to Chapel as the sun rose in the sky – the day already noticeably hot. Counselor in Big Dipper Kristie G. shared another true story from the book of 1 Samuel about how God makes everyone unique and different to fulfill His purpose.
Girls rushed back to their cabins to check their cabin score – Little Dipper got an awesome score of 9.6! Fingers crossed that we will get the cabin cake!
First and second periods kicked off with a Backpacking trip on the Ridge March (a trek from Greybeard mountain and ending back at camp on our Tomahawk trail) and a rafting trip. Zentangles were crafted in DIY, and hot chocolate was made on a camping stove in Backpacking.
Athletes practiced their serves in Tennis and their lay-ups in Basketball.
Lexie J. and Grace C. practiced gates in canoeing.
Drama played movie character guessing games while Gymnastics practiced tumbling and uneven bars. Climbing had many adventurous campers climbing the overhang in the mike while others practiced on the traverse wall.
The motto “WATER IS POWER!” was fully enforced today as it felt like the hottest of the summer yet. Mini Corndogs and Mac & Cheese were excitedly consumed and evening activity was announced this afternoon! Everyone is super hype for “Cabin Night,” where each cabin plans a special activity to do together. Moonmist will be sleeping at the mark and Comet and Little Dipper will secretly raid the trading post!
Afternoon activities included making s’more brownies in Cooking and walking the pups in Paws! It’s been a hot and exciting day here at Merri Mac, so we are all excited for a restful Sunday tomorrow!
Sweet Dreams,
Zena D.
Little Dipper Counselor
DIY instructor