Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday
To start off this beautiful Sunday morning, the girls woke up and cleaned the cabin for the day ahead of them. For breakfast we had cinnamon rolls and bagels. Today was a special day for our sunnysiders. It was the sunnyside trip where they were surprised during breakfast for a fun and special day. The Sunnysiders went tubing and returned to camp to get dressed up for their nice dinner in downtown Asheville. In the meantime, the dreams girls helped out around camp today. They led songs during meals and helped out at chapel. Many trips went out today! Moonmist girls went to the Boyd’s house where they laughed and swam in the pool. A rafting trip was held today and as always they had a blast!
It was a typical Sunday. At lunch we had fried chicken and mashed potatoes (YUM!). Oh and we can’t forget Trading Post which was after rest hour. Lots of treats can be found in Trading Post and don’t we all just love some sweets. Sundays are a day to rest at Camp Merri-Mac and a day away from activities. Even though we don’t have classes on Sundays, many activities were open for girls to get bars in like archery and climbing. Bars are a great way to help the girls grow and teach them new skills. Today a tennis competition was held and the munchkins in Tweedle Dot hiked the Tomahawk trail (which is 2.5 miles!!!).
We had very short showers this afternoon, but they cleared right up for the Sunday cookout. The girls enjoyed burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, watermelon, and a multitude of assorted cookies for them to choose from. Our wonderful CITs helped set up the cookout and served everyone. (THANKS 3RD SESSION CITS). Proceeding after the cookout, the girls headed up the hill to watch skits led by their counselors called Vespers. Vespers is a Sunday tradition at Camp Merri-Mac and it lets the girls sing along and laugh with each other. It was a great Sunday which ended with devotion in all the cabins where they talk about what happened in chapel and learn more about Jesus. Overall it was a great Sunday full of girls growing, hanging out with friends, and lots of laugher.
From this Haven
Julia C