The last day of Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday for both sessions 1F and 2A was a resounding success. Today started normally with breakfast and chapel and another “true story with Adam Boyd.” Then the girls plunged into activities. In kayaking, some girls look victory laps of Lake Doris together for their final class and Zoe F. got her roll. The blob was open for swimming class and girls launched each other through the air. AG H., Elizabeth C., and Rachel C. pulled in from the first overnight kayaking trip. Off the dock, cooking classes made cupcakes, Edie B. jammed out on her ukulele in guitar class, and riding classes did a full lap around campus. At lunch, two new gold bars in volleyball were recognized as was a gold in swimming.
Rest hour heralded in a sprinkle of rain as all of the laundry disappeared from the drying lines by the cabins. The oldest girls in camp sprinted down the hill at the end of rest hour to be first line for the Trading Post (a camp tradition). Afterwards during free time, a tetherball tournament commenced as relaxing music was blasting from the pottery room of the Enchanted Barn where girls were taking advantage of the last chance to fire their creations.
The cloudy weather did not damper our final tribal activity, Fortnight- a new game invented by our own Anna M. that models the strategy of the video game. The girls ran all around camp in squadrons, stealing long socks hanging from the shorts of other squads and collecting llamas, counselors painted gold, and other special revival packages. The area of play slowly closed throughout the evening, and when girls got out, they headed to the tennis courts to chant and sing to win their spirit points for their tribes. As shrieks of laughter echo around campus, today was a fabulous segway into tomorrow with Lakeside, and a Friday of “goodbyes” and “see you next years.”
Katie Davis, Dream’s End