After yesterday’s unusually gray, cloudy sky, all the girls were excited to wake up to a beautiful, sunny day this morning. Enthusiastic about another day of fun, new activities, everyone was quick to get out of bed and finish up cabin chores. The highlight of everyone’s breakfast was an abundance of fluffy, warm biscuits dripping with honey and strawberry jam. Today’s breakfast songs were classic favorites; “Sippin’ Cider”, “I love little Willie”, and “Darling you can’t love one.” After breakfast everyone ran off to chapel, where a few Sunnyside girls led the camp in some other favorite songs, including “O Pharaoh, Pharaoh”, a favorite for its fun hand motions and catchy tune. Sarah English C. gave a message on God as our forgiving Father, and she read Isaiah 43:25 and 1 John 1:9.

Even though it is only the second day of camp, many girls were already heading out on trips for the day. Backpacking took some Tweedles out for an exciting breakfast hike very early this morning, which was most certainly worth waking up for as the girls had a ton fun. There was also a climbing trip, a water skiing trip, and a few lucky girls got to see the new Timberlake camp on a mountain biking trip.

After a morning full of exciting activities, all the girls headed to lunch for…. TACO IN A BAG. While every day at camp is a great day, taco in a bag day is most certainly the best. Girls enjoyed this yummy lunch while getting to know their cabins a bit better as they laughed and joked about the morning’s adventures. When everyone was finished eating, tribe songs rang throughout the Tucker Inn as everyone showed off their tribal spirit. After much anticipation, we learned that Choctaw won last night’s evening activity, Base Jumping, and tonight the three tribes will battle it out in The Great Escape!

Free time was full of fun for all ages, but especially for the Tweedles. After heading to the clothing room for some Merri-wear, Junior Camp had free swim in Lake Doris, and what a wonderful, hot day it was for swimming! Frances Z. was the first girl to successfully jump onto the blob, and everyone celebrated with a chorus of cheering and clapping. The older girls mostly spent free time getting to know the other girls in their cabins, meeting new and old friends, and enjoying some delicious snacks from Trading Post.

As the bugle rang, girls ran off to their last two activities of the day. While each class started with safety talk and class rules, many girls were able to get a first taste of their new activities. Continuing with a fun tradition, Jessica G. got to name one of the archery bows “Jessie’s Girl” after she got her gold bar. Climbing worked on bouldering and traversing, while in PAWS girls learned the puppies’ names and spent some time playing with them. Cooking made some delicious chicken tenders and fries, and the girls in guitar learned their first few chords. While the second session of camp is just getting started, each and every girl is excited about the new friends, activities, and adventures she will enjoy over the next few weeks.  


Molly Dwyer, Rainbow