Another Wonderful Camp Day

Another Wonderful Camp Day
All Merri-Mac family and friends, we are wishing you a jolly Friday! All around camp, girls jumped out of bed for another exciting, merry day. Come rain or shine, nothing can slow a Merri-Mac girl down. Chores were completed, and girls made their way down to the Tucker Inn for my personal favorite breakfast of baked oatmeal. YUM! Following our delicious breakfast, we headed to chapel to sing many beautiful worship songs, including Good Good Father. We were all so happy to hear a wonderful message from Mary Catherine C. at chapel.
Dance jumped right into working on their exciting upcoming dance to perform in front of all of camp at Fine Arts Night. Hint hint: their song is from The Greatest Showman. They are overjoyed to share their magnificent dance moves with camp in a few days. Our classes continued learning many new skills! Climbing class took on the overhang and the traverse wall in the Mike, while also working on improving their knots and anchor building. Cooking baked many, many, many doughnuts – I have to admit I might have had more than a few because they were just so delicious. Guitar of course was jamming out to lots of fun songs. Pottery class glazed their creations and learned how to throw on the wheels. Kayaking kicked off the day at Lake Doris perfecting their rolls and paddling strokes. The puppies, as always, are as sweet and energetic as can be; they all showed off their hand shaking skills. Mountain Biking took on these great Merri-Mac hills and conquered them like true Merri-Mac girls would.
Lunch was the forever delectable meal of Jambalaya and cornbread, while dinner was giving me thoughts of Thanksgiving with turkey, stuffing, corn, and mashed potatoes! This evening our girls will play the longtime favorite tribal event, sock war. Prior to this we will journey into the decades old tradition here at camp of White Feather.
This sensational day is drawing to a close! However, come back tomorrow to find out which tribe is victorious in Sock War! We are so very grateful to all friends and family for sharing your girls with us – we treasure every moment with them. We shall continue to make many new memories with growth through friendship and adventure.
From this Haven,
Hannah Griffin
Proud Seminole
Cloud Nine Counselor 18’