Happy Friday, Merri-Mac!


As campers woke up bright and early this morning, the fog was lifting over the Blue Ridge Mountains. The breakfast bell rang, and campers were treated to a delicious breakfast of french toast, bacon, and fruit. Soon after, we headed to the chapel, and we sang some camp favorites like “The Banana Song” and “Good Good Father.”


Activities soon were in full swing and campers were trying lots of new exciting things! In fencing, after working hard on bars, Mary Adams K. earned her bronze! In canoeing, Coco N. and Eve Q. conquered and perfected their t-rescue!! They rocked it! Soon the girls were on their way to lunch and enjoyed pizza casserole!


The day rolled on and campers were ready to head to their afternoon activities. In archery, Anna Lovett M. worked on getting her bull’s eye! Anna-Clair H. enjoyed taking the energetic puppies on a walk during PAWS. As evening activities came around, Upper Camp got ready to play tribal volleyball and Lower Camp prepared for color wars.


Happy Camping!


Remy Schneider