A Thrilling Thursday!
A Thrilling Thursday!
Adam Boyd - July 23rd 2021
It was another great day here at Camp Merri-Mac! There were many things going on in each class today. In kayaking, Laine W. got her roll! Kayaking class was filled with learning new skills, improving paddling, and preparing girls for trips! Climbing today was held at the traverse wall, a wall next to The Mike where girls get to test their skills going side to side. When they were not climbing on the wall, girls got to practice their knots!
There were so many trips going out today! First was a backpacking trip. Sylvia B., Sarah M., Georgia D., Clare M., Nataleigh P., Isabel D., Zadie H., Kira S., Julia K., Hannah S., Marah M., and Grace H. all went on this trip! There was also a swimming trip to upper creek falls. Girls on this trip got to go on rope swings, go down natural rock slides, and so much more! The girls who went on this trip are Addi B., Sophia C., Reagen M., Ansley C., Grace H., and Charlotte D. They all said they had so much fun!
The Red Wolf tribe won both gold rush and spirit points last night! Tonight, the girls are playing a game called “Counselor Hunt.” During this game all the counselors get to hide in places around camp and once a camper finds them they get to push the counselor in the lake. Each counselor is worth points, the points add up, and that will give a score as to who wins counselor hunt! Good luck to the tribes!