Gloomy Skies, Bright Smiles
Gloomy Skies, Bright Smiles
The weather may have been overcast this morning at Merri-Mac, but the girls were still overjoyed in their activities! Between the splashing of yellow kayak paddles and the red of passing mountain bikes, plenty of color cut through the grey skies. Campers received cartwheel lessons in gymnastics, knot-tying lessons in backpacking, and bouldering lessons in climbing. If you were lucky, you would run into the PAWS class on their walk; nothing cures the rainy day blues like a wagging tail! After lunch, the clouds parted to reveal a sunny summer’s day. The weather now better reflected the bright smiles found throughout camp, and those in Lake Doris seemed especially grateful for a warm afternoon. Excitement is building for cabin night this evening – a wonderful ending to another wonderful day at Merri-Mac.