Midweek Meditation
Midweek Meditation
It’s A Merry Day Merri-Mac!
Today was the most beautiful day at camp! We started the day with baked oatmeal, donut holes, and baked apples. Following breakfast, Will led us in a talk at Chapel about the weight of our sin and the how Jesus alone redeems and justifies us. It was such a beautiful message to dwell on as we started the day. After Chapel, we began a full day of activities with the sun shining on us. In cooking, gourmet grilled cheeses were being made, canoeing class was playing basketball in the lake, routines were being made in dance class, and balloons were the new targets on the archery range! We took a quick pause to eat mac ‘n’ cheese and mini corn dogs for lunch. Tonight’s tribal game was El Presidente, one of my personal favorites. The goal of the game…find the other tribe’s president and pull her flag!!! It was INTENSE. After a full day of camp, we wrapped up the day with post-evening activities for each cabin and a good night’s sleep! We’ll need it for another full and fun day of camp!
From this Haven,
Meg Spickard