Another exciting day at camp began bright and early this morning! Today we started our first meal off right with Circle Day! Circle Day (my personal favorite) is when all the breakfast foods are shaped in a circle; sausage, biscuits, hash browns, and eggs. To close breakfast we sang Chante, Darlin’ You Can’t Love One, and A-Wang. After breakfast, we headed up to chapel. In chapel we sang, danced, and worshiped!

After chapel, girls headed off to adventure in their classes. Today in classes our girls fenced, climbed the traverse wall, played with puppies, and paddled a kayak! Not only do our classes allow girls to adventure and try new things, but they also push girls to bring these new skills home with them! In every class campers are branching out and learning a skill.

Lunch today was Greek Day, a camp-wide favorite. We munched on our chicken pitas and homemade potato chips. After clearing tables, the dining hall broke out into a loud roar of tribe songs to show our tribe pride! The evening activity was then announced, tonight the three tribes will battle it out in the Great Escape!

After lunch, we headed up to our cabins for a much needed rest hour and then an afternoon snack at trading post. Today Lake Doris was a host to free swim for Tweedle Doe, Dum, Dot, and Sunspot! Girls also engaged in some free time where spike ball, pickleball, and fencing tournaments were held.

Girls continued working on skills in their classes. The Backpacking class was cooking Mac and Cheese on an outdoor cooking stove that is often used on overnight trips! Fitness had the girls up and moving in a class that was led by a Sunnysider who is trying to get her gold! Opportunities like bars are so awesome because they allow girls to earn a mark for their hard work towards a certain skill.

After a delicious dinner, the girls participated in the Great Escape! Girls ran all around camp to complete different tasks like naming 7 presidents or twirling around in a circle in order to collect slips of paper with part of a clue written on it; once a tribe has collected all of the slips of paper, they have to put them in order and solve the riddle. The tribe that can do this first wins the game.

To end the night, cabins participated in post-evening activities like free swim, slip-n-slide, putting the puppies to bed, and making milkshakes in the cooking kitchen. Today was a beautifully busy and exciting day at Merri-Mac and I wouldn’t have it any other way! As 3A comes to a close at the end of this week, we are feeling especially grateful for this time with your girls.

From this haven,
Annalee Pettus
Happy Hollow Counselor