Super Saturday!
Super Saturday!
Today was another fabulous day at Merri-mac!
We all woke up excited for our activities, and shouts of joy could be heard from the dining hall when everyone realized that breakfast was donut holes- a crowd favorite!
After chapel, girls fenced, climbed the Pippin Hill tower (with the most beautiful view), played soccer and volleyball, made brownies in cooking, rehearsed their play “The Lorax” in drama, and so much more! Wherever you went, you could see big smiles as our girls tried something new in all their classes.
After an amazing lunch (sloppy joes!) that ended with a competition among each age group for who had the longest curly fry, we rested and then had some snacks from Trading Post. Girls played in Tweedle Creek, wrote letters and chatted, and Rainbow and Dreams Begin enjoyed the blob at Lake Doris during their Free Swim!
We had several trips go out as well! Girls went climbing at Little Lost Cove, rafting at the Pigeon, and mountain biking went on the Hickory Lake Trails. They came back proud of their skills and full on adventure!
Following dinner, our tribes gathered together to play one of the most fun games at camp… Inferno! Each tribe has a fire and girls complete tasks around camp to receive cups of water, which they then pour on the other tribe’s fire, but watch out! “Stingers” are around each fire and can tag you, resulting in you having to dump out your cup of water. The tribe with the last fire left wins!!
To wrap up the day, cabins participated in “post-evenings,” a great way to wind down and spend time with friends in your cabin. Whether making s’mores, having free swim, or speeding down the slip-n-slide, post-evenings are always some of our favorite moments at camp.
We are so very excited for tomorrow, a day of rest (with an extra hour of sleep!), new games, and hilarious skits and songs, and couldn’t be more grateful for our time here at camp and with each
From this Haven,
Ansley Keaton