Vesper Sunday
Vesper Sunday
Happy Sunday Camp Merri-Mac!
Sundays are extra special here at camp! Today we woke up an hour later giving everyone some much needed rest after a long week of activities and excitement! The girls all came down to breakfast dressed in their whites and were excited to see cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
After breakfast the girls ran to the chapel for a special Sunday edition of worship. On Sundays chapel consists of a few more songs including a new fan-favorite- You Say by Lauren Dagle. Chapel was then led by Sundrop as they told the story of Joseph and the Forgiving Prince.
After chapel, girls competed in the Triathlon that took place all around camp. Girls swam across Lake Doris, mountain biked across camp and ran through the Tomahawk trail to the finish line at the front of camp.Girls gathered around camp and cheered on their friends as they competed. The winner of the first heat was Julia K., and the second heat winner was Scarlett I. good job ladies!
After the triathlon, spectators and competitors hurried to the dining hall for a delicious meal and then went up to their cabins for rest time! Girls enjoyed the extra rest and got ready for the fun that awaited them in the afternoon!
Dreams Begin took a cabin trip to Upper Creek Falls, while girls still at camp did their own activities. Tweedles had a water sprinkler party on Mackes’ Green, while Lower Senior Hill got to participate in free swim!
Sundays are extra special because for dinner we have our cookout and vespers! Every cabin got to choose a movie that they wanted to dress like and came down to cookout dressed all out. Burgers, hotdogs, cookies, and watermelon made for one exciting dinner while the girls anticipated Vespers.
Vespers consists of some fun songs and skits put on by our very own Black Mountain Oysters. Laughter and song could be heard throughout camp as we completed vespers.
After Vespers, some cabins had some “post-evening activities” that consisted of the slip-n-slide, s’mores, free-swim, and more. It is safe to say that Sundays at camp are some of the best days! Time to rest up for our final week of 3A!
From this haven,
Bella Hackett