What a lovely day it was at camp with the rain holding off today for the girls to have their “first” official activities of this session. We began starting off this terrific Thursday with french toast and sausage links! 

The girls then rushed straight to chapel where they cheerfully sang the classic Banana Song. With Elizabeth Olvey leading us to understand how important it is to seek God first, and to not be anxious because He will provide for our every needs. We sometimes feel like we need specific things in our life, but He can give us more than we can even think. 

After this beautiful message the girls head to tribe meetings where they learn their tribes songs to proudly sing during lunch. Then we headed off to our activities where we hit bullseyes, experienced Lake Doris, and so much more! For lunch we hungrily devoured the delicious pizza and pears. It was revealed that Black Bears had won Gold Rush, and Red Wolves winning spirit points. Maddie Lemmon announced for evening activity the girls will be playing Mission Impossible!

A Mission that’s Impossible? Not quite! This game involves strategies, teamwork, and a positive attitude. Each tribe splits into groups with various tweedles, bear campers, and senior hill girls within each group. The girls run around camp to different stations to complete specific tasks in order to claim that territory for their tribe. Each tribe has spies in communications with their chiefs and elders to signal when they believe they have control of their bases. Once one tribe has control over all the bases (and if called)… they win!

Continuing with our day we head off to our 3rd and 4th period of activities where some of the girls made Camp Merri-Mac style Chick-Fil-A, and some even learned how to kayak for the first time. After a busy day we munched on some Alfredo pasta, breadsticks, and even mixed vegetables! 

Some returned to their cabins for an in-cabin activity, and some cabins had signed up for post-evenings for some quality time together outside of the cabins. Post-evenings can range from free swim to even a trash-ion show! Even in-cabin activities can make the best memories for many campers. 

With Thursday coming to a close, cabins unwind with devotions led by their counselors and a well needed shower from their eventful day. 

From this haven,

Cooper King

Fencing and Cross Patch Counselor

Delighted Black Bear