Another fun-filled day was had at Merri-Mac today! We started off with French toast sticks and bacon, so it was bound to be a good day. The Sunnysiders were on their annual trip (more to come later!) so Rainbow and Dream’s End led songs in Tucker Inn today.

As the chapel bell rang, we worshiped together and Mary Page spoke on the importance of walking through life with Jesus. She expanded on the “who is Jesus?” message and used Luke 9:23 to explain how we need to walk with Him to really get to know Him.

Activities carried on as usual. Pickleball, horseback riding, and paws were especially active today with fun new skills and events like puppy baths! We went to lunch and munched on everyone’s favorite: taco in a bag! We sang tribe songs and then MoMo announced that tonight is cabin night!

We continued doing activities and then went to dinner. The menu tonight displayed Hawaiian meatballs, roasted carrots, and dinner rolls- yum! For dessert, we all ate M&M cookies. Cabin songs were sung proudly to finish the meal, and then cabin night began!

Some highlights for cabin night are puppies for Little Dipper, Fairy House building for Tweedles, and s’mores for Moonmist, Blue Heaven, and Big Dipper. All the girls bonded together and spent time with just their cabin mates and counselors tonight!

As for the Sunnyside and Sun Drop cabins, they had a big day ahead for their trip. They started out with Chic-Fil-A for breakfast and headed out to go tubing! Afterward, they got all dressed up and went out for a fun dinner. We missed them all day but know they had a great time!

We are thankful for another amazing day here at camp and can’t wait for our last full day of session one tomorrow!

With love,
Edie Clark
Little Dipper and Tennis Counselor