Sunnyside Trip and Cabin Night!
Sunnyside Trip and Cabin Night!
Adam Boyd - July 27th 2021
It was another great day here at Merri-Mac! Today in kayaking class the girls worked on their T-rescues and rolls and were extremely successful! Vivian F. and Kate H. just got out of a trip they took yesterday to the lower green and we’re able to show all of their skills in the lake today! All of their friends were so impressed. In gymnastics the girls had a gymnastics olympics- they competed all events and created their own versions of moves like “the Wimberly,” (a back hand spring move Wimberly J. made up in second period today).
Today there was one big, exciting trip that went out: the Sunnyside trip! All year, the Sunnysiders wait on this trip and it is very special to them when they finally get to go. Sunnyside trip can only mean one thing for evening activity: Cabin Night! Cabin Night is a camp favorite. Girls in every cabin get to do something extremely special with their cabin mates. The Big Dipper cabin is going down the slip and slide, making s’mores, and going star tipping tonight! The Stardust cabin is making s’mores and playing games around the fire! The Moonmist girls are even going all the way to the Boyd’s house to go swimming in their pool! Everyone is very excited to make memories with their cabin mates tonight!