This morning was Christmas at Merri Mac! All our campers got to sleep in and awoke to a surprise of doughnuts and hot chocolate delivered to the front of their cabins!  Girls were so excited to have warm cocoa and Krispie Kreme! The girls also got to open stockings that were stuffed by their counselors, full of candy and apples. Yum!

 Once we all had our doughnuts, girls cleaned their cabins and went up to chapel. Today, we learned about who Jesus was, and how God gave us rules to follow, and even though we have a hard time following them, Jesus came to save us. We also got to sing Christmas hymns, like Silent Night and Away in a Manger.

 After chapel, the girls went off to their 2nd period activities (we missed 1st period due to sleeping in). In rock climbing, girls were working toward earning their bars on the climbing tower.  In Paws, girls played with our new puppies! They also took them for a walk near Pippen Hill. Our campers love to take care of the puppies and they do a great job. Cooking made Christmas pasta, a Merri Mac favorite.
After that, it was time for lunch! Today for lunch, we enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy! A real Christmas feast. Once our bellies were filled, it was off to 3rd period! Girls practiced their tennis skills, kayaked in Lake Doris, perfected their aim in Archery, and much more.
 After a long day of activities, some delicious breakfast for dinner was much needed. We had chicken and waffles, and of course some doughnut holes! Tonight, the three tribes, (Black Bear, Golden Eagle, Red Wolves) will compete in a brand-new tribal game… SUPER MARIO! The tribes must compete to find powerups around camp and save Princess Peach. They must be careful… or a CIT goombah might get you out and you have to go back to the respawn point!
Overall, our campers had another pretty fantastic day at Camp Merri Mac and are so excited to see what fun tomorrow brings!
From this haven,
Cora Hutchinson
Tweedle Dum Counselor